Friday, January 29, 2010

NoSnow Day.

Remember when you were a kid and there was snow in the forecast? Well, I guess if you were a kid in the south. In other parts of the country, it probably didn't even register. Anyway. As a kid raised in the south, a snow storm was a monumentous event. Your parents raced to the grocery store to stock up on milk, eggs and bread (Incidentally, why? Were we all going to exist on french toast for days?), you inventoried your snow gear and sat close to the TV for the first uttering of a school closing. Everyone was excited. You could taste it just as much as you could taste the hot chocolate you would have after sledding all day.

Well, here some of us are, twenty some year later. NC is bracing for a snow storm that for my cousins in Maine would be a "dusting" but will cripple our fair state here in ye ol' south. I'm not rushing to the store (I did go because Theo needed snacks, but I didn't buy snow storm staples and I only rushed because it was freakin' freezing cold) for french toast supplies, I decided plastic bags over Theo's shoes will be just fine in lieu of snow boots and as he is not yet in school, I don't need to care about closings until Monday morning so I know if I need to pick up Sydney. Instead, I'm hoping beyond hope that it doesn't snow. Theo gets cabin fever as bad as I do, so being stuck in the house with him will just not be a fun time. I can't sit around by the fire and leisurely sip cocoa and read one of the 15 books I have bought, but not read, in the last 14.5 months. I used to be able to, but now, you know - I'm a mama. Playing in it will undoubtedly be more trouble than it's worth with a cold, wet baby and I don't even think we have any hot chocolate. And the worst part is, Susan will be working a 24 hour shift at the hospital to minimize her driving in time since the "administrator on call" has her panties in a bunch at the mere thought of, you know, having to work in the ED if Susan can't make the 40 mile drive. Ugh.

So, yeah. Call me old, call me a buzz kill, just don't call me hoping for snow!


  1. Sounds like you should have rushed out for hot chocolate! ;)

    And I hear ya on the cabin fever...except we don' t have a choice! It's flippin' freezing cold from November-March here (though this year it really didn't get cold until the end of December) and Cam just runs laps around the house to burn his energy!

  2. Sorry it didn't work out! At least it usually melts fast?
