Friday, March 19, 2010

Kid update!

Is 16 months old! Susan and I agree that we are really enjoying this age. He's just learning SO much and becoming such a fun little person. He's starting to talk which is awesome. He has about 8 "words" but his clearest word is also his newest: "on." He points up to a light, ceiling fan, light switch and says as clear as a bell, "on!" It's the cutest word on the planet when said by our darling boy. Susan got it on video today, so probably on the 1st day of kindergarten, I'll get it uploaded here. Take my word for it, it's cute.

He lives to play outside. He walks to the back door and signs "please" at least 12 times a day. His prized possession is the little green car his Gran and Grandad got him for Christmas that he cruises the neighborhood in. We have to spell the word "car" because when he hears it, he runs to the garage door and bangs on it to go for a ride. Mostly he putters around the yard when we go out, looking up for planes and listening for dogs. Today I got my first break in nausea all day right around 6:30, so I took him outside and let him play for a long time, not caring that he would get into bed late. Time with my baby boy is way more important than strict schedules.

His second love is books. While I am thrilled to death with this, I must say, I sometimes grow weary of reading. I bet we read to him 30 times a day. No lie. What's weary is that it's only about 6 books that he likes to hear. I could recite them all and am sick to death of them. We do it, of course, because he loves it so much but I'm glad we can redirect with some outside time now instead of reading Mama, Mommy and Me for the 800th time.

He eats well, still willing to try most anything. He's also taking solo naps now! While we both loved napping with him, we knew it had to end. In the fall he will have a sibling and it's not like we could tell the baby to go watch TV or something while we took a few hours to take a nap with him. So, we consulted Sleep Lady and got to work. It was actually really easy. Going to sleep in his crib was never the issue, it was staying asleep longer than 45 minutes. We worked on it for about a week and now he does great! We also went back to 2 naps a day. He just doesn't seem ready to give up the morning nap and actually sleeps better for naps if he gets two. So, he averages 2-3 hours of napping time a day, split between two naps. Just fine by us.

He's still nursing! Only right before bed, but he usually goes for quite awhile. It's getting a little tougher as the girls are pretty sore from pregnancy, but I am determined to stay with it. I don't want to take it from him before he is ready.

This is what we are calling #2. I thought he looked like Mickey Mouse in the ultrasound pictures, so that's what we went with. Not a lot to report yet. The first u/s went well, heartbeat was 158 and he was measuring a day ahead. I have the 12 week NT scan on 4/12 and our first prenatal appointment at the birth center the following day. I feel really sick and terrible almost every waking moment. I won't lie, it's been really hard. It takes a lot of time away from Theo which makes me feel terribly sad. Of course, Susan takes excellent care of him, but I like taking excellent care of him. I miss him terribly and look forward to feeling like myself again soon. We got a doppler from a friend, but it's still too early to hear the heartbeat. Hopefully by next week! Cravings change from day to day, but since 95% of the time all food sounds disgusting, I tend to eat whatever, whenever. This means Susan and Theo make many a journey in the little green car to the grocery store next door. Lately it's been strawberries dipped in chocolate.

Otherwise, we are doing fine. We are all excited for the warm up we have had over the last few days. Today I packed up Theo's sweaters, heavy coats, snowboots, hats and mittens and unpacked brand new polos, madras plaid shorts, bathing suits and sandals. So, that means it will probably snow again next week. I relish the time outside with my boy, especially when I am feeling halfway decent. I can't wait to get him a water table to splash around in, I know he will love it. Next weekend we are taking him to an Easter egg hunt and I can't WAIT. I don't care if I have to be drugged and Susan has to carry me the whole way, I am not missing it, puking or not. I'm hoping tomorrow we might get to the park and even get the diapers out on the line to dry. Glory!

Hope you are all well and looking forward to spring as much as we are!

1 comment:

  1. I am beyond excited that there's another on the way!!! But, how did I miss this? I've read every blog entry to date and am hoping this was just mentioned first in this entry... Either way, I can't wait to see what he/she looks like and how great a big brother Theo will be! AHHHHH...I can't wait! Sorry to hear you're already not feeling well, though. :/
