Friday, December 10, 2010

Smiling girl!

Lucy gave up her first smile on Thanksgiving, but she doesn't smile often. Probably because of the reflux, which causes her pain. In the last day or so, it seems like maybe the medicine is beginning to work. We read it would take 1-2 weeks before we'd really know if it was working, but it seems like she is gradually getting better. So, she's smiling more! She saves her biggest smiles for the pictures behind our bed, just like her big brother did. Her smiles are extra sweet because hopefully it means she is feeling better.

She has settled herself into a nice little routine at night and is sleeping really well! She's definitely ready for bed at 7pm and she lets you know it. She nurses and then gets wrapped up tight in the Miracle Blanket, pacifiered and laid in her pack and play. She puts herself to sleep and sleeps until 1:30am. I feed her, rewrap her, lay her back down and she sleeps until 3:30, when she is ready to come into our bed. I don't do anything but reach over and pick her up and she sleeps right next to me until 5:30 or 6! So, essentially, she sleeps from 7:30 - 5:30 or 6 with only one wake up!

In the mornings, she kind of catnaps between feedings but largely stays awake until around 10, when she seems ready for a serious nap. I do the same deal as night time with the Miracle Blanket and she sleeps upstairs on her own (with the video monitor on, of course) for about 2 hours. We are still figuring out the afternoons and she definitely has a witching hour from about 5-7pm, but we feel on our way to getting her figured out. She's much more predictable and a much better sleeper than Theo was, which is nice. Let's hope it lasts!

I highly recommend the Miracle Blanket. We used it with her right at first, then she seemed to not like it, so I put it away. We got it back out a few days ago and it's been the ticket to good sleep. If your baby isn't a sleeper, give it a try!

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