Monday, August 3, 2009

Whose baby is it?

This is what we got asked at the Gap over the weekend as the salesgirl was oohing and ahhing over Theo. Aw, whose baby is it? Yours or hers?

I thought to myself, what a ridiculous question. 

He has dimples just like Susan, but has my chubby cheeks. His hair has a bit of reddish tint like his Mom, but one of his eyes crinkles up like his Mama's when he smiles. He loves to read like me and when he smiles, his whole face lights up, just like Susan. So, clearly, he's ours. Can't everyone see that? I know, I'm sure this sounds absurd. I really do have to remind myself sometimes that he does not have a genetic imprint from both of us. To us, he is so clearly ours that I forget that to the rest of the world he looks like hers or mine. 

Upon this realization, I looked at her said exactly the right thing to say, the only thing to say, "he's ours." And he is. He's my chubby cheeks and crinkly eye and Susan's big dimply smile. And, well, some guy in the Midwest's nose ... but, mostly ours. 


  1. Most definitely loving this post. I see both you and Susan when I see Theo too.

  2. shoulda told the nosy GAP lady that you kidnapped him from a family in candada! love this post- so obvious he belongs to both of you!!
