Sunday, April 11, 2010

You've got mail!

Theo got his very own mail the other day! Now, he does actually get mail often from his Gran and Grandad and special Aunt Gin, but this was official mail. Preschool mail, addressed to him and everything. We opened the packet full of information about his upcoming school year, forms to fill out, etc. I must admit, I sniffled. He's just turning into such a little boy! Before we know it, this school mail will be college related. AHH!

Also wanted to say a "thanks" for all the nice comments and emails about the breastfeeding post. I tried to respond to everyone, but as I am still in the pregnancy from hell, lifting my head from the pillow is generally my day's major accomplishment. I really enjoyed reading how touched you were and what was most special is that most of you were some of my best help in the beginning! So, thank you for caring and marking the occasion with me.

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the park today. Our weather is BEAUTIFUL, so I took a trusty plastic bag (which thankfully, I didn't need to use) and rallied up some energy to let Theo enjoy the outdoors. He seems to have finally let go of his slide obsession, which is nice. He was into the swings and climbing today. This boy LOVES to be outside!

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