Saturday, July 10, 2010

Things I hope Theo never grows out of.

You know how your baby says certain things the "wrong" way and you don't correct them because you secretly hope they will say it that way forever? I have a few of those. And a few other random things that I will just be sad when I don't see every day.

1. How he calls the dogs "Donna" and "Tuna" instead of by their real names.
2. How he says "pee ooo" when you are changing his diaper or cleaning something off the floor.
3. How his little voice sounds when he says "Mama."
4. How he says "wa wa!!" with big excitement when he sees water.
5. When he says "bedina", which might mean "banana" and might mean "snack" and might just mean something else entirely that he doesn't know the name of.
6. When he says "walk a dah", which means - well, we have no idea what it means, but he says it a lot.
7. How his little fluffy cloth diapered heiney looks in his PJs.
8. How his little feet sound when they run down the hall.
9. Seeing his little heiney in the air when he is asleep in his crib. And, seeing him asleep in his crib, since he is getting a big boy bed in a couple weeks.
10. How he snuggles with me every night before bed. That one I will miss most of all. I hope he doesn't grow out of that for a really long time.

The days may seem long, but the years are so short.


  1. These are so sweet! Right there with you...

  2. Precious!! I think every parent has a list of things like that! Definitely know what you mean. And the years really do go by way too fast...
