Friday, August 20, 2010

Breaking up is hard to do.

Well, I talked to the birth center yesterday to let them know we are changing providers. Initially, I was going to keep my appointment on Monday and tell them in person, but then I decided that I didn't want to mess up anything with insurance and having two appointments too close together (one with them and one with the new practice) and it's almost an hour drive and well, I'm a chicken. The conversation actually went very well and it was one of the midwives I barely know, so that made it easier somehow. I felt very listened to and respected and she agreed that mother's intuition is not something to be ignored and we needed to be wherever we felt the safest for birth. So, whew. I faxed in all the release paperwork and they should have sent my records yesterday to the new practice. So now I just wait on the new midwives to call me for an appointment, hopefully by Monday at the latest.

In fun news, we have an ultrasound on Tuesday! This one is to check on her size due to the marginal cord insertion issue. Well, that's the official reason, I have no worries at all about her size and strength, we just want one more peek before the big day. They have a 3D machine there, so hopefully she will cooperate and we can get some cute face shots that look more babyish and less alienish. Nice to be able to have a 3D ultrasound on the insurance company!

Thank you for all the nice comments on the post below, they helped with the process a lot and I really appreciated them.

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