I'm doing well being apart from Theo, too. The first day was hard and I did cry when I had to leave him. It wasn't that I was worried about his care or anything, I mean, he's with his other parent afterall. It was just that I was going to miss so much of his day. I was worried that he would miss me. I was worried that he wouldn't miss me. I was really worried that he would be upset over missing a few nursing sessions. But, we survived. He and Susan have a lot of fun together and he is learning to drink breastmilk from a cup. The hospital has 12 lactation rooms for employees, so I am able to pump very easily at work. I don't even mind it like I thought I would. It gives me a break in the day to focus on him and feel like I am doing something for him, even though we are apart. By the second week, I wasn't crying and I wasn't worrying so much. It's good for me to get out and interact with people and use my brain and that damn Master's degree I will be paying for for the rest of my life. It's a good message for Theo: that you really can have it all if you work at it. And that it's ok to have a life outside of the home, too. He will always know he is my #1 priority, but a little work is good. And I love seeing my two favorite people sitting on the porch waiting for me when I come home. Yesterday Theo's face lit up when I got out of the car and he clapped and smiled. I'm sure he did the same thing when one of the dogs walked past him, but hey, I'll take it.
So, yeah. It's good. It's all good.
so glad you are enjoying your new job!! best wishes :)