Monday, October 26, 2009

Catching up.

It seems as though our young son has overheard us discussing that he is a little behind his peers in terms of crawling and "tooth eruption." As such, he decided within the last few days to just take care of all of that and is now a crawling fool and the proud owner of a little sliver of a bottom right tooth. 

We were sure he'd skip crawling. He's been rocking on hands and knees for months and for the past several weeks has been walking behind a push toy, cruising and standing unassisted (while holding a toy and clapping, thankyouverymuch). We thought he'd just be like Aunt Sammy and head straight to walking, as he does share her little penchant for ramming his walker into obstacles. As with all things, though - he does it when he is good and ready. Friday he got on his hands and knees like he had a million times before and crawled across his room. And now, he crawls out of his room - and all over the place. There is also a lot more vacuuming going on around this joint, thanks to three hairy beasts who shall remain nameless. And if you should see our child in the next few weeks, no we didn't beat him. His head is covered in bruises from all this newfound mobility. And as Susan learned this morning, you can be sitting three inches from him and he can still get hurt. Sigh. 

And the tooth! I was tossing him into the air and he was laughing with a big open mouth when I spied a little slit in his gums that looked suspiciously like a tooth breaking in. I stuck my finger in there and felt around and sure enough, he has a bottom right tooth that is just cresting the surface. At 11 months and 1 week old. Amazing.

OK, things happen in 3s, right? Maybe sleeping through the night will be next. Hey, a girl can dream, right?


  1. love, love, love this picture. that hat. those eyes. sigh. he is just amazing.

  2. Hooray for teeth and crawling! Apparently he does things when is good and ready.

  3. i love that hat!! so cute!! dylan was 11 months when he started crawling too. i will cross my fingers and hope that you guys get a full nights sleep soon!!

  4. So when we thought Ellie would skip "real" crawling and go straight to walking, Jenny warned us that that's not a good thing. Apparently, there's something about crawling with opposite hands/feet in motion that connects the right and left brain. There's even research that non-crawlers have trouble reading! So YAY for Theo learning to crawl, and not skipping over this important milestone. (Let those little brainwaves fire away!) Although, I think he WILL be walking in no time!!
