Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18 months old.

Doesn't that sound OLD? It does to me! Our boy is halfway to 2 years old - gulp. I'm not sure of his height and weight since we had to reschedule his check up for swim lessons (priorities, people). He is pretty small, though. All his summer clothes are 18-24 months, but he's still really fitting in 12-18 months the best. This probably has something to do with the fact that he is in perpetual motion. He's also really starting talk! Well, he's ALWAYS talking, but I mean words that others could understand. Here's a list (hopefully one day this will make it into the baby book):

up and down
water "wa-wa"

I think that's it. He's starting to pick words up at a rapid pace, so hopefully the list will grow!

He and Susan started swimming lessons today at the Y. He loved it, of course, since the boy really should have been a fish. He was the bravest one there and the ONLY one willing to float on his back like he was just waiting on someone to bring him a margarita. He will go on Tuesdays and Thursdays for three weeks. I'm happy they have something to do together and even happier that I don't have to wear a bathing suit.

We've been trying to find a babysitter to start going out now and then (what a novel idea!) but it's not going well. Late, no shows, arriving with butts hanging out of shorts - ugh. And this was just for the interview! We will keep trying because we'd love to get out now and then and we have tickets for Lilith Fair (SO excited) in August and we definitely can't bring him with us. Keep your fingers crossed.

We are heading into a busy few weeks with traveling. Theo and I are going up to Virginia this weekend to visit with Gramma and the Charlottesville girls. I can't WAIT to see my friends. It's been 5 years since I moved, but I miss my friends there and always having someone to do something with. We don't seem to have found that sense of community here quite yet. Gramma wants to take Theo strawberry picking and I know he will love the hayride. Then next weekend we are off to Charleston with my mom and sister for a family friend's wedding. We have always wanted to visit Charleston, so this seemed like a perfect chance! And finally, in June, Theo and I are flying down to Florida to see Elena and Mima. Yes, flying. Yes, alone. I know - it's crazy. I'm just trying to think positive and hope for the best.

And in super big news - in 10 DAYS we find out if we are having a Mickey or a Minnie! I'm basically losing my mind with impatience and can't wait to find out. My mom will be here for the ultrasound, which will be fun since Susan's mom was with us when we found out with Theo. I want a boy, but think it's a girl. I hope the next 10 days fly by! Susan gave me naming rights since this has been the pregnancy from hell. We have a girl name, but don't have a boy name. I don't think we'll talk about it again until we know if we need it. So, wager your guesses now on a brother or sister for Theo.

No pictures with this update, but click on the Flickr widget above for new stuff.

Happy almost June!

1 comment:

  1. i would love to watch theo if you guys don't find anyone great. if that is the case, then we will definitely need to hang out more often so he gets used to me.

    see how i did that. i am sneaky. i want to hang out with you guys super soon!!

    my vote, minnie. but two mickey's would be fun too! (that sounded mildly inappropriate!)
