Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pee ooo!

Theo's newest phrase is SO funny. Susan taught him to say "pee you" when she changes his diaper, only he says it "pee ooo." This was funny enough, but now after he poops he comes up to us and says "pee ooo!" (He also says it when he sees me cleaning something up off the floor.) Nice for the heads up when he needs to be changed. I'm not taking it as a true potty training sign because I think he's WAY too young. While many parents have some luck catching a few potty attempts at this age, my years of taking care of kids tell me this is largely coincidental. I have no interest in trying anything with Theo for another year or so, unless he comes to me and says, "take me to Target for some underoos and a potty seat, these diapers are outta here!" Hey, it could happen.


  1. I'm still impressed - Micah always says no if I ask if he pooped.

  2. Haha! I totally agree... Aiden will sit on the potty and poop some times - mostly in the mornings, and sometimes he'll tell us he needs to go poop first. BUT that does not mean he is ready to potty train! People will ask me about it, but I'm, no. Sometimes when he poops in his diaper, he'll tell me no and run away when I ask about it. Sometimes he'll say yes. But potty training? Not even close. And I'm not expecting it anytime too soon. (Um, esp since we're about to buy a whole new diaper wardrobe for him. Ha! I think Daddy will want to get our money's worth out of them before going into trainers!) ;)
