Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer catch up.

We've taken two out of town trips, we've swam in pools, we've melted in the heat and Theo and Lucy have grown. On the first day of summer, we're all ready for fall.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we all traveled to Charleston for the wedding of an old family friend. Susan and I have always wanted to see Charleston and well, now we have. And, it's scratched off our list of "maybe we'd like to live there someday" places. Don't get me wrong, it's really beautiful. It's also really hot, really muggy and really full of mosquitos. There isn't enough bug spray or hair product in the world to live there! Nonetheless, we had a great time visiting with old friends and seeing a new place. The highlight of the trip was seeing Theo have a great time playing in the fountains by the waterfront park. The low point was visiting the Charleston urgent care to fix Susan's sclera, which she scratched "the dickens out of", according to the doc. Theo did a great job on the long ride, thanks to Gramma sitting in the back and acting as the entertainment staff.

Last weekend, Theo and I flew down to Florida to visit with family. Yes, flew. Yes, without Susan. I was nervous, Susan was a total wreck and Theo, well, he pretty much goes with the flow. It went absolutely as well as it could have. Better, actually. He was a totally perfect, angel on all 4 flights. Only on the very last one did they have an extra seat for him, so the rest of the time he had to sit on my lap. He looked out the window, played quietly with his toys, had a snack and even napped a bit. I was very proud. He did equally well on the trip. He ate, he napped, he played. He charmed old ladies at the pool and had a fun time swimming. He wasn't very into the ocean, which was fine with me since that's pretty hard to do alone. The pool was just down the sidewalk and very easy for me to manage. He met his Aunt Lainie and Uncle Tony and his cousins, Summer and Shannon. Everyone was complimentary of him, but hearing people repeatedly say how happy he is really warmed my heart. That's all we want for him and I am so glad others can see it.

Growing kids!
Theo's language development has really taken off. He will repeat just about anything we ask him to and is starting to use a lot of words. Some he says really clearly and others only we understand. For example, our dogs are no longer known by their names Dublin and Keegan and are hereby now known as Donna and Tuna. He is still obsessed with water and loves to go to the pool, which also has a spray park. He went to a birthday party the other day which was held at a gym. He had an absolute ball bouncing around on all the equipment, so we are thinking of signing him up for a toddler class for the rest of the summer. He's still a good eater and is growing well. He stays in the really low % for weight, but the pediatrician is pleased with him, so we aren't worried. We are just enjoying him so much and trying to spend as much time with him as we can before his little sister arrives.

Lucy is growing well and has becoming quite the mover. She hangs out super low and likes to use my bladder as a trampoline. Fun times. The pregnancy remains really hard and I will definitely be glad when she makes her appearance. I saw a chiropractor yesterday to help with severe back pain and sciatica. It didn't work. We are trying to get her nursery figured out and find the energy in the 100 degree heat to paint two rooms and move three rooms of furniture. Any takers??

It's been so hot here, it just makes everything and everyone move in slow motion. We try to get out with Theo every day, but we can't really do outdoor activities, so that limits our options. We do a lot of reading and playing inside to beat the heat. I feel bad for him since he loves being outside so much. Seems like the dog days of summer came really early this year. Hope you are all staying cool!

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