Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello, stranger.

It's back. Not an old friend, but an old foe. When I was nursing Theo, I developed Raynaud's Syndrome and was put on nifedipine. I was so hoping to avoid it this time, but alas, it's returned. I tried to ignore it, but that is like trying to ignore someone taking a blowtorch to your nipples. So, yesterday I picked up my prescription and am back to having hot knees and a flushed face. Good news is, the meds work and I am not in pain now when nursing. Hopefully I will be able to wean off the meds in a few months.

Lucy is doing very well. Now that her tongue is fixed, she eats like a little piglet. She eats every three hours, which took Theo nearly a year to get to! At night, she goes 4 hours which is heavenly. At 7 is when she is more or less in sleeping mode, but I usually stay up until 10:30 and rouse her to feed. She then wakes around 2am and 6am, which is completely manageable. She also seems to enjoy a pacifier, which we never could get Theo to take. That helps her drift off to sleep after she's wrapped in her Miracle Blanket. Let's hope this continues!

Theo is hanging in there. He's definitely been challenging the last two weeks and melts down often and over nothing. He's also become very whiney. I think the combo of nearing his second birthday and adding a new sister has his poor little brain on overload. It's requiring a lot of work from Susan and I as it would be very easy these days to lose our cool with him. Instead, we are holding him to all the same rules, but practicing lots of patience and compassion. I also try to time Lucy's feedings so that I can get out and do something with just him every day. His teachers are well aware of what's going on, so they are being extra patient too. For all his tantrums, he does seem to like Lucy. He asks for her in the morning and pets her head very gently. He asks to hold her occasionally and looks to us to do something if she cries. He's a great big brother.


  1. If it's any consolation (and it's probably not), Ellie has been throwing some MAJOR tantrums lately. There is a lot of high pitched screaming going on in our house - and we haven't had any major changes. Lots of ignoring and some time-outs...mixed with a little "choosing our battles." Sigh...and I hear age 3 is even worse. Okay that probably did NOT help, so I'll stop talking now :) Glad the feedings with Lucy are going well!

  2. Sorry to hear about the Reynaud's but it sounds like you are handling the jump to 2 well. I hope Theo will continue to adjust smoothly.

    And I hear each stage has its own challenges. But rewards too!
