Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day of school!

We all survived Theo's first day of preschool! He slept in, I fixed him a big breakfast (which he didn't eat) and he was in a great mood before we left. We talked about school all morning and told him he was going today, to which he would reply, "no" in a very matter of fact way. Eventually, he would say "school" and smile, though I don't think he really knew what it meant. We've been reading Llama Llama Misses Mama incessantly, which is all about going to preschool, so we've been saying he's "going to school like llama." He had a new polo and new pair of shoes for the first day. The preschool said to send them in socks and sneakers as opposed to sandals, which are safer for the playground. Well, Theo hasn't had socks on his feet probably since March, so he was totally distracted by his socks when he got dressed, which made us laugh. I brushed his teeth and hair and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. We took the requisite pictures and headed out.

When we got there, it was something of controlled chaos and he clung on a little tighter while I carried him in. We both reassured him and tried to be really upbeat at the door of his class. We kissed him and wished him a good day and promised we'd be back and handed him over. And then he cried. And then I cried. I HATE when he is upset - not like crying because he can't sit in the fireplace or something, but when he cries because he is scared or sad, I just can't take it. I dutifully stepped away from the door and walked away as they had said to do and his teacher poked her head out and told me not to worry and to call if I wanted. She also promised she'd call us if they couldn't calm him down. I hated it, I hated leaving him, but I tried to remember if he could feel ok there, he'd really have a good time.

We went out to breakfast which took no time at all and then we kind of looked at each other like "now what?" We only have the "time off" until Lucy arrives and hadn't given much thought as to what to do with ourselves. And, the first two weeks they only go from 9-11, which isn't a lot of time to do much. Just as we were getting ready to call the grandmas, his kind teacher called to give us an update. I was ready to grab keys thinking we'd be on our way to go get him, but she said he was doing GREAT! They'd given him his monkeys (thank you, thank you, preschool for understanding and encouraging transitional objects) and he'd calmed down and then they had turned on the bubble machine and she said he was stomping around and singing, which Susan and I know is his happy dance. She totally validated how I was feeling and said she remembered what it was like for her. I can't ever say enough about how much that meant that she took time to call and seemed genuinely interested in it being a positive experience for all of us. We left the breakfast place and did a little shopping and then went back to get him.

He looked tired and unsure when we got there, but I think it was because parents were starting to pick up their kids, so it was a little chaotic. One of the teachers was holding him and they had just come in from outside - they'd even remembered to put on his sun hat for us! He was quiet and clinging in my arms for a minute, then Susan took him and we was talkative and happy. They said he'd done great, was able to follow directions, was one of the only kids to sit at the table for snack and was a good cleaner upper. He laughed with them before we left and waved and blew kisses. I think in time we will all be tear free at drop off and it's going to be a very special place for our family. I'm so happy we found it.

I signed up to be on the craft committee (I know, you are all shocked) and am excited! As long as I am primarily at home, I really want to be involved with the kids' school activities and I think it's a good way to get to know other parents and for other parents to get to know us and see we are just a regular family like they are.

All in all, a good day. We feel confident in how we have done things thus far by encouraging his attachment to us as his parents and feel like his bond with us is strong and now he's ready to dip his toes outside the nest just a little. Granted, Susan feels this way more than I do, but I am getting there. :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, this definitely had me tearing up a bit! And WOW - that teacher is awesome for helping Theo out so much and for calling you to let you know how he was doing. I can only imagine what a huge help that was for you!
