Thursday, September 9, 2010


It's a slow day at the office (Christie, if you are reading - all's well here and I'm so glad to see the weather looks good for you! I'll be thinking of you Saturday!) so, here are a few random haps.


This morning, the following conversation took place between Susan and Theo and was relayed to me when I came down:

(Scene: Keegan is chewing on a bone and Theo is hovering)

Mom: "Theo, come here please. You are too close."
Theo: IGNORE - continue hovering
Mom: "Theo. THEO."
Theo: "Hang on!"

Ha! Think he hears that often? We've been working with him on "wait" and "hang on" and "be patient" as he will probably have to hear that a time or two once Lucy comes. I guess it's sinking in.


Now that it's not so blasted hot and humid every waking second of the day, we've been trying to get Theo outside after dinner for a few minutes before his bath. Usually I stay in and clean up and Susan takes him out, but last night we switched. I think the backyard is buggy, so I decided we'd go out front. He wanted to walk, so I said he could but he'd have to hold my hand. He held my hand around the whole block!! He looked for planes, pointed out stop signs and chattered the whole way, walking slow enough for his slow, waddling mama. It was so sweet and I just loved it. And, he slept until 6:40 this morning!! So, fellow early bird moms, get them out in the fresh air before bed, it might help! This is the second day in a row we've noticed this trend. Susan has volunteered to walk him around the entire neighborhood every night if it means he'll sleep in.


He's so smart, this kid of ours. He rocks out puzzles with no help and LOVES to find shapes. He can spot a triangle or oval anywhere, as those are his favorites. (Did you know the Archer Farms logo is an oval??) He's also getting good with letters and surprised me by pointing out a "K" on his lego bag the other day. He also finds "T" really well. Susan had him naming the pictures in the Kroger circular this morning and he was doing some by saying and signing the object. He's talking a ton and starting to put ideas together to make us laugh. For example, the other day he was being silly and I called him a turkey. He laughed and called me a goofball. This is SUCH a fun age.


Still here. 33 weeks yesterday, so rounding the corner to home, thank goodness. I have a million Braxton Hicks and am uncomfortable all the time, so I'll be glad to be done. We got a good laugh last night listening to Lucy hiccup through the doppler. She moves around all the time and seems to be hanging in there. Weight gain is fine (although, more than I'd like) and still no stretch marks! I have my first appt. with the new practice on Monday and will probably go to weekly appts. in two weeks. Yay!


  1. So funny that you mention the evening playtime before bed to help wear the kids out so they'll "sleep in." (Don't you love how anything past 6am is sleeping in these days?!) We've been trying that with Aiden, and I've even taken him around a "block" in our neighborhood to see if that helps. Not so much, but it's good for him either way! We have noticed, though, that two mornings in a row we had friends over (one was the shower and the next day a neighbor came by w/ her toddler)...he napped so well those days and then slept until 6 the next morning!

    Does not work the same when we go out b/c he gets tired on the drive home and then woken back up coming inside... That makes life difficult some days. We took food to Colleen today and stayed for a home around lunchtime. Nap wasn't too hot, and even after playing outside this evening, he was really difficult to get down for bed. :(

    So, we're ready to fill up our schedule with friends coming to play in the mornings! Haha! Wanna come?? ;)

    I love the part about Theo telling Susan to "hang on" - hilarious! It really is a fun age, though, isn't it?! They're learning so much, able to communicate so much, and their personalities are really coming through! It's challenging many days b/c Aiden, as well-behaved as he is when we're out, is a strong-willed little guy and pushes the limits big-time (and thinks it's the funniest thing ever). But still such a fun time, too!

  2. I am definitely loving this stage more than I thought I would. We've learned going outside is CRU-CIAL! For all day peace. And I feel really lucky that Micah usually sleeps til 7:30 or even 8!
