Monday, September 20, 2010

Pregnancy and preschool.

35 weeks on Wednesday! I told Susan today that in some ways, 5 more weeks of pregnancy might as well be the rest of my life and in other ways, I'm like, "HOLY CRAP. In 5 weeks (or less, please be less) we will have TWO kids to take care of." So, yeah. The clothes are washed and put away, the room is done and most of the odds and ends have been purchased. We have a few more things to pick up and we need to drag out the equipment and wash it up, but seeing as how I have no idea where to put half of it, we are waiting until the last minute, or 38 weeks.

I had my first appointment with the new midwives last week and it went VERY well. I really liked them a lot and felt very comfortable. It was much like being at the birth center in terms of their philosophies, just a different venue. The only bummer is it looks like I won't be able to avoid staying overnight in the hospital. The state requires a PKU test 24 hours after she first eats and our pediatrician doesn't do them. So, the path of least resistance is to stay the 24 hours in the hospital. :( I am bummed, but my mom will be here to help out and will stay with me overnight so Susan can be home with Theo. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that big a deal, but it was nice to be home with Theo 10 hours after he was born.

She is still quite a mover and has the hiccups ALL the time. Heartbeat sounded good and strong at my appointment, so now it's just a hurry up and wait situation. Lucy is the last of 6 babies that are going to be born in my circle of friends and family between "any day now" and the end of October. I can't wait to see all these babies!!

It's going well! By the third drop off, he wasn't crying anymore. He still doesn't excitedly run into the classroom, but he gave his teachers a nervous half smile when he saw them this morning. He hugged me tight, but went to them with no trouble, trusty monkeys in hand. This was the first day of the real 9-12 schedule and unfortunately, he took a tumble out of bed this morning which woke him early. He did fine, though, and they said he didn't have his monkeys in hand as much as he has, so I think he is adjusting quite well. He was talking about "Jack" today, so either he has a friend, or Jack is a trouble maker. :)

He's saying so much and so much fun. When something goes wrong or he's trying to do something and not getting it, he says "try again." This morning when he fell out of bed, after he stopped crying, he told me "try again." I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. So sweet. Susan was coloring with him earlier and drawing letters for him to name and he got 6 of them! We've held steadfast to our no TV rule for him (not even having it on while he is awake), but well, now it's football season. So, the TV is on Saturdays and Sundays when there are college or NFL games we are interested in seeing. As such, he now says "putball!" and "touch down!" and "RUN RUN RUN!!!". I feel like we are doing pretty good, almost 2 years until he saw TV and football is all he ever sees. I do try and distract him during commercials because some of them are just awful, especially for the scary movies coming out for Halloween.

I've also been taking him to the UU church in Raleigh for some socialization and something to do on Sundays (in the bible belt, church is basically your only choice on Sundays!) and he loves going and says "church? church?" several times a week. We stay in the wiggle room, so he hears the service, sings, dances and plays with any other kids that are in there. I wish I could get to know more of the people, but the social hour starts at 11:45 and we have to leave right after service to get home for lunch and a nap. Maybe when he is older.

That's it! Oh, can I just say how excited Susan and I are for the return of good TV?? We don't have cable which makes for a lonnnnnng summer.


  1. You might call around to the state's health department re: PKU test...both of our boys had it around day 4 or 5 (so, after my milk came in, which is more accurate anyway) and a home health nurse came to do the testing. Just a thought. :) Maybe they have one who could come out to your house if you go home early?

  2. Wow, 35 weeks already!? I bet she is going to be the cuuuutest baby! Theo is going to be such a good big brother!

    The toddlers are growing so fast. Their sweetness breaks my heart some days and brings tears to my eyes.
