Sunday, September 26, 2010

Early fall reflections.

Today has been one of those days. A day in which Theo had been up for only an hour and I was counting down until nap time. He was just into everything and the grand finale is too gross to post, but let's just say a bath was required. So, as hard as it is for me physically, at 8:30am, we headed to the park. It was 20 degrees cooler than it's been (finally!) and overcast, so I could at least stand to be outside. The park has a big walking trail and after playing on the equipment, Theo decided to take himself on a walk. I joined him and we set off on the tree lined path. While he was walking (well, running, actually) I was thinking back to this time last year. He wasn't even walking yet, still had barely a stitch of hair and that first tooth hadn't quite broken in yet. He was still wearing only Robeez and seemed so much like a baby. A year later, I looked at my baby who looked much more like a little boy, running down the path, hair blowing in the breeze, wearing regular sneakers and socks. I couldn't believe how fast the year had gone and how much different he looked. He climbs up on the big equipment at the park now and flies down the slide all by himself. It amazes me that this time next year, we will have a chubby hairless, toothless, not quite walking baby girl and a boy who will look more like a preschooler than a toddler. Amazing.

I'm so glad fall is here because it's my favorite season and I love decorating for fall. I made these last year and can't wait to get them out on Friday! I am think I am going to add a purple monster and a brown owl this year to the collection. I have lots of jars around from some canning I did earlier, so might as well put them to use. I've been burning fall scented tarts from Yankee and just willing it to cool down outside. Finally it has! October brings "birthday month", the pumpkin patch, a Halloween train ride and the state fair. Bring it on. I can't wait to celebrate the fall with my big boy this year.

1 comment:

  1. The only word in our language that even begins to describe watching your child grow: bittersweet. At least for me. Anyway, happy fall and yay for baby Lucy's impending arrival!
