Saturday, June 23, 2012


How is it that just when we get one sleeping all night/napping/etc. that the other one decides to stop? Just when we got Lucy converted to one nap, Theo quit napping. Once in a blue moon (like when he's had swimming lessons in the morning, then played at the outside pool and then gone on errands and has been up since 5:25) he'll crash in the afternoon. But, it's super rare. All of this I think has contributed to the last few weeks of sleepwalking and night terrors. Dear god, this is exhausting. We put things on his doors so he can't get out of his room and end up walking the 'hood, but we are getting up 3-4 times a night to resettle him. We are SO TIRED.

Everything we've read says it's normal for this age and I think that since he's getting less sleep (no nap and now gets up an hour earlier than he was) that is contributing. As with all things, I know this will pass. Hopefully soon.

The good news is that this has confirmed for me that I do not want another baby. How did we ever do this (with more like 6 wake ups a night) for months on end???

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate! Based on my unscientific polling, every kid their age is doing the same thing. I hate it, because the nightwaking and bad dreams are hard, as is the crazy person who comes out at 5 pm.

    And 2 kids is great, why do people ever have more?!
