Friday, October 8, 2010

Days 5, 6, 7, 8.

Ok, I'm not great at doing one a day on the blog challenge. So, here are the four I missed:

5. What’s the point of life? Define a great life.
The point of life is to contribute. Don't just take up space around here, DO SOMETHING. Anything. Make it meaningful. A great life is one that is remembered.

6. What is your phobia/fear?
It used to be drowning. Now, it's the loss of my child(ren). For the first three months of Theo's life, I barely wanted to leave the house with him because him being in the car nearly made me stop breathing. I just don't think I would survive if something happened to him.

7. What does your name mean? Why were you named what you were named?
"Honeybee." Pretty lame, but I guess you could look at honeybees as producing something sweet, but will sting you right in the ass if pissed off. I'd say that's about right. There actually is a story behind my name. Legend has it that my mom had picked out the name Kelly for me until right before I was born when she heard the song "Sweet Melissa" by the Allman Brothers played on the radio and changed her mind. I'd say that happened to a lot of pregnant ladies in 1977, given the number of Melissas that were always in my classes.

It's more fun for me to talk about my kids' names, so I will do that too, even though it technically wasn't asked.

Theodore Bryant: "Divine gift", "son of Brian." He is certainly a divine gift, and well, we have no idea what the donor's name is, but it could be Brian. We call him Hank. Theo was named after my stepdad, who goes by Ted. It was very important to me to name a son after him and I was so happy to get to do it. Bryant is Susan's mom's maiden name. While on it's face, it's not my favorite name in the world, we really wanted to give Theo a connection to Susan's family and so using Bryant was something incredibly special and personal to us. I am so proud he has part of her name.

If he had been a girl, he would have been Cecilia Eleanor. Cecilia is a name we liked (well, me more than Susan) and Eleanor was for Susan's mom.

Lucinda Katherine: "Light", "pure, virginal." Yeah, she doesn't have much to live up to, geez. I picked Lucy's name, more or less. Susan said I could name her whatever I wanted since the pregnancy had been so hard. I had other names I liked more, but we both liked Lucy and even when given permission, I couldn't name her something I knew Susan hated. We felt like Lucy needed to be short for something, since we have a short last name. Lucinda Williams is a folk singer we like, so we went with that. I have always loved the name Katherine with a nickname of Kate. Susan's sister is already named Kathryn, so that kind of took it out of the running for a first name. I liked it with Lucinda and gave us the option of "Lucy Kate" as a nickname if we want.

If she had been a boy, she would have been August Larson, called Gus. August is a name I love and Larson is for Jonathan Larson, who created the musical RENT. I still hope to honor him some day.

8. Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?
Yes, I have had my heart broken. Twice, actually. Lucky for me, I married the second one. Feels weird to talk about the first one since I am married now and it's all in the past. Those who I care about know what happened, so we'll leave it at that. I wouldn't be here if not for that experience and I wouldn't trade "here" for anything.

I have not broken any hearts, as far as I know. Sad, right??!!

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