Thursday, May 3, 2012

30 day challenge, day 13.

1. Shred: Check. Level 2, day 3. I did it without an arm, but I still did it!
2. Walk: Nope. Work day.
3. Water: Decent.
4. Snacks: Great. Only had one today.
5. Portions: Good. Well, I had McD's for breakfast. Lunch and dinner were pretty light, though. Lots of veggies.
6. No eating after 7: Check!
7. Blog: Yep.

What went well:
I had to get a cortisone shot in my shoulder today and it hurt like a mother. My arm is still really sore and he told me not to exercise today. Well, I figured I could just not use that arm. I did. I just modified the workout and did other things that didn't need my arm when I needed to. 

Not so well:
McDonald's. First time in 13 days, so not bad, but still. McGriddle. 

Keepin' it real:
I love fast food. 

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