Monday, May 28, 2012

Year 2, finished!

This guy finished his second year of preschool on Tuesday. I can't even believe it! This year went so incredibly fast. I remember him, not even a year old yet, touring the school and deciding if we wanted to apply for a spot for the following fall (yes, we had to plan that far ahead!). He still seemed so small then. The first day of his very first year was excruciating. Something that had seemed like a good idea the year before suddenly seemed like the worst idea I ever had. Susan was more confident, reminding me "it's only three hours." He cried, I cried, but we made it. Through that day and a year to follow. This year was different. We both knew the ropes and knew it would be ok. He was nervous that first day, a new teacher, new friends and a new classroom. His teacher seemed firmer than his warm, squishy toddler teacher - more expectations for our big boy. He nervously hung up his backpack full of undies and spare clothes and monkeys, just in case. Those monkeys never left his backpack and after a few weeks, we didn't pack them at all. Our boy is growing up so fast.

He learned a ton, made new friends, went to birthday parties and music class, and became more confident and independent. He started the year a toddler and ended it a full fledged preschooler. Next year, he will go three mornings a week for the first time and his baby sister will be with his warm, squishy toddler teacher. Three mornings will be tough for me, I have mixed feelings. I don't want to rush him out the door since I know that once he is in kindergarten the days of him being home all day with us are over. On the other hand, he loves school and his friends and we just can't always entertain him as much as he seems to need. And it's still only three hours. :)

But, I won't dwell on next year and what's to come and will instead focus on this summer and all the fun we have planned. We are kicking it off today with a trip to the pool, then a nap and after everyone is up we will make an hour's drive out to the country for a cookout with friends. Theo is still in swimming lessons and we have added soccer. They will probably both do jump jump class in July. We will head to Great Wolf Lodge for a few days next month with the Hills and will end our summer in the mountains on the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad. And all the days in between will be spent at Granite Falls, I'm sure. I can't wait.

Here's to everywhere we've been and everywhere we are headed. Happy Memorial Day!

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