Monday, April 30, 2012

18 months!

Hill_spring2012_008 by MelissaandSusan
Hill_spring2012_008, a photo by MelissaandSusan on Flickr.

This little cutie is 18 months old. Time goes slower the second time around. And faster. I know. She's becoming more and more like a little person and she's quite opinionated. Never one to mince words, she lets you know what she wants. And she'd still like to spend most of her time glued to my hip.

22 pounds, 12 ounces
31 inches (I think) long? tall?

Those were her stats. She's still in the 25th% for growth, but on her curve. She's a shrimp. She fits best in 12-18 months and the dress she is wearing today is 12 months and fits perfectly. Good news is, summer lasts forever here, so what's too big now will fit nicely come August. She's in a 3.5 shoe and her feet do not grow!!

She finally has some actual words! Let's see what I can remember:
Mama (!)
all done
thank you
bless you
more (signs)
please (signs)
uh oh

Ok, that's all I can think of. She's started mimicking a lot more, so I predict a longer list soon.

She sleeps from 7pm to 6:30am every night and naps for about an hour and a half every afternoon. She's a picky eater and would exist on fruit if we'd let her. She still has a pacifier when she sleeps (which is the only time she's ever had it). We have to hide them in the corner of the crib, or she will go and fish one out on her own. Then she comes prancing by with it in her mouth and smiles. Turkey.

I filled out her preschool paperwork for next year today and can't even believe it. I'm sure she can't either. She still absolutely hates people she doesn't know, but hopefully all the times she has picked Theo up from SAPP will mean it's familiar and ok with her.

She's growing like a little weed, loves to read books, is obsessed with Lady and the Tramp and always makes us laugh. We love you, Goose.

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