Friday, April 27, 2012

30 day challenge, day 7.

1. Shred: Check. Level 1, day 7. Three more days until Level 2, yikes!
2. Walk: No. The kids were overtired and difficult and I couldn't keep them up to walk. I scrubbed our bathroom instead, which probably burned more calories.
3. Water: Better than yesterday. 
4. Snacks: Great. I only had the two I planned for.
5. Portions: Great! I cut my usual breakfast sandwich (bagel, two eggs, bacon) by using a bagel thin (-120 calories) and just one egg (-80 calories). I had a really small lunch and one small serving of dinner.
6. No eating after 7: Check!
7. Blog: Yep.

What went well:
Portion control. I ate on a smaller plate and it seemed like more food. 

Not so well:
Motivation. I wasn't motivated today. I still hit my goal, but not with a smile.

Keepin' it real:
Is it day 30 yet?

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